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From: Martin Kift <>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 09:15:07 GMT0BST
Subject: DisplayLib/Copper question
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Hi all,
I have been improving the hardware scrolling in my game over the last
few days. I found a few tricks to give me about 50% speed increase
over what I had before, and I also discovered a lovely way to get the
vertical scrolling part, by using the copper.
Which leads me to my first problem. How do I go about programming the
copper in my game, which makes use of the new DisplayLibs??? I know
that there are a few copper instructions in the slices area of the
manual, and I tried inserted a simple colour split to test to see if
it would work, but the debugger flagged it as an error, so I assume
it won't. I need to setup a copper list badly for my scrolling idea.
Nothing too complicated, just changing a few points at a few points
on the screen. But how??
Nest question for Acid Software:
Finally, is there an equivalent command to ShowBlitz for the new
display library? (Note that ShowBlitz seems to crash when run in
displaylib based programs). My game jumps into AMIGA mode to pop up
some requestors, and I need to restore the display properly when
coming back into BLITZ, otherwise, the screen is screwed......